
IMG_0637When you are first diagnosed HIV+ it can be very overwhelming. Millions of things are going through your head. You are wondering how will I tell my friends and family, will I be able to find love, is my life over and many other things. Not only that but you feel alone, vulnerable and may even start going into a depression. You may also start feeling like you are the only one dealing with this even though there are over 1 million people living with HIV/AIDS, you still feel as though you are the only one going through this journey which is valid because no one’s story is the same. But the more resources that you have the more confident you will feel about fighting which is The POZ Life are doing our first video series entitled, “The First 48.”

During a live show we mentioned that we would be launching our newest project soon.  Well its time. ThePoz+Life will be doing a video series entitled “The First 48.” This project will be a series of videos that document what it’s like to be diagnosed HIV positive. We encourage everyone to participate as we will discuss everything from what it was like trying to find competent healthcare, disclosing positive status and continuing the process of moving forward in life.

The goal of this project is to be a resource for not only those who are newly diagnosed HIV+ but also for those who act as a support system (parents, siblings, friends, etc.) for an HIV positive individual. Our hope is that through this project it will make it easier for individuals to navigate various aspects of the virus (healthcare, emotions, mental state, etc.)

We are asking that individuals create a video, send them to us and share them with your community. Share your experiences with being newly diagnosed with HIV or helping someone who is going through the process. There is a saying that more is better so we need you all to participate. As your making your video please spread the word about what we are doing by using #ThePozLife and #TheFirst48.

Again our goal is to provide as many resources to newly diagnosis individuals and those who may be in a support role for someone who is newly diagnosed. All four of us know how hard it can be living with HIV. Each of us will be doing our own first 48 videos, hitting on specific topics to give you a idea of our first 48 hours being diagnosed (divulging to significant others, hospitalization, navigating healthcare, etc).

Thank you so much for participating in this project and being brave enough to share your story in order to help someone others, reduce stigma and continue the much needed conversation about HIV. For additional questions email us.




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